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Liberec: Community energy from A to Z

Energy self-sufficiency is one of the main priorities of the city of Liberec. Community energy is intended to serve as a tool for activating local stakeholders in the area of ​​activities leading to carbon neutrality. It represents the possibility of active involvement of groups of citizens, housing cooperatives, municipalities and small entrepreneurs in the energy market.
Více info o statutárním městě

Basic information

Name of the city/town/region: Liberec
Surname, firstname: Tvrdíková, Pavlína
Organization: Statutární město Liberec
E-mail: tvrdikova.pavlina@magistrat.liberec.cz
Phone: 485 243 579
Subject: Energie; energetické úspory, využivání obnovitelných zdrojů

Description and outputs

Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results?

The city of Liberec has been working on the development of community energy since 2023. The short-term goal is the establishment of an energy company/service organization in 2024, in such a form that will enable the future development of community energy (especially with regard to the necessary investments, financing, including taking into account the conditions of relevant legislation). The long-term goal is above all to achieve energy stability, independence, security, including the economic benefits of a successfully functioning model and, last but not least, to contribute to the city's climate commitments through an increase in the share of renewable resources.

To realize its vision, the city used a subsidy call from the Horizont 2020 program (Pilot Cities Call) and formed a consortium partners/broader project team (city as lead partner, Technical University of Liberec, Teplárna Liberec, LEEF Technologies). Thanks to the subsidy, it was possible to start systematically preparing the establishment of community energy in cooperation with key stakeholders, with the fact that an optimal concept of operation is currently being set up with regard to the development of legislation, mapping of stakeholders in the territory, setting up horizontal and vertical cooperation even when expanding the community, technological possibilities/ potential, etc.

The emphasis is also on the development of low-emission/zero-emission transport, communication with stakeholders/activation of potential community members (based on a communication strategy, marketing campaign and emerging online platform), on cooperation with the academic sector. At the moment, the preparatory phase preceding the establishment of the company, which will be responsible for the management of the community/s, is underway. This phase is also directly connected with the development of energy management in the city based on monitoring and determining the potential for energy savings using smart solutions (SW).

The project is generally divided into three phases, where at the beginning the concept of community energy will be tested on city property, i.e. city buildings, in the next phase households, family houses, apartment buildings, small and medium-sized enterprises will be connected, only in the last phase then large business entities.

Is the activity related to any of your strategical document?

The project is particularly in line with the city's main strategic document (SML Development Strategy 2021 - 2030), with measures set out in Sustainable energy and climate action plan (SECAP), Local energy concept, Urban Sustainable Mobility Plan (SUMP). The direct link of the project is primarily to the Czech legislation relevant to community energy.

Were the implemented activities documented? We anticipate the creation of the following outputs: guidelines for the development of community energy, roadmaps for low-emission/emission-free transport
Start of activity: 01.06.2023


What were the financial costs of carrying out the activity? [tis. Kč] 25000
How was the activity funded? The minority part was financed from the city budget (especially the link to the initial development of municipal energy management), as well as preparation from the Horizon 2020 program (Pilot Cities Call - 100% subsidy).

Further development - especially in relation to the construction of related infrastructure from other subsidy sources such as the MoE (Call for the establishment of energy communities), as well as the option of the Modernization Fund, New Green Savings, OP TAK. All available subsidy titles, including other options (PPP, etc.) will be taken into account for building infrastructure (RES)
Detailed schedule:

It is possible to estimate about 42 million CZK for the development of community energy, for the preparation itself (the Initiation of community energy project for the city of Liberec as supported by the Horizon 2020 program), is for the duration of the project, i.e. 6/23 - 5/ 2025, allocated approx. 25 million CZK.

Recommendations and inspiration

What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? We very positively evaluate the preparation in cooperation with key stakeholders, which brought and brings a considerable level of expertise, experience and insight into complex issues. An important element in the preparation is the legal analysis and the search for development potential in connection with the existing legislative and technical possibilities, data security must also be taken into account.

Risk, obstacles and positive moments in the implementation process

Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization? A project with a clear and shared vision, goals, clear and comprehensibly communicated benefits for all involved - economic, social benefits - independence, stability, security of energy supply, in the case of Liberec, a well-formed, functional project consortium (cooperation with key stakeholders from the beginning) .
Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? Limited financial resources - it is necessary to look for options for further development (infrastructure), including from private sources (PPP) and other options. Furthermore, the project has been hampered or limited by (expected) relevant legislation from the beginning.
During the implementation of the activities / project, did you encounter an event that fundamentally affected the implementation? Delays in legislation, restrictions imposed by legislation on community composition/size, etc. have had an impact.

Monitoring and evaluation

Has the impact of the implemented activity / project been measured and evaluated in any way? Evaluation planned (MEL project - indicators are set); will be carried out by the implementer (based on hard data - primary and secondary, short-term and long-term impacts will be evaluated). Furthermore, a questionnaire survey is planned for the public regarding their perception and knowledge of the issue.
Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project? Yes, the project is at the beginning of development and will be developed especially in the following years, when an energy data center will be created and it will be possible to actively share energy.

Media, promotion

How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes?

The project is now in the preparation phase communicated through the city website, Facebook Climate neutral Liberec, platform NetZeroCities. In the coming months, a media campaign targeting citizens (households) and using various communication channels such as the web, outdoor advertising, radio, television, workshops, webinars for the target group will take place (the campaign will be based on the developed communication strategy of the project).< br />
Article: The city of Liberec will use millions from European funds to build community of energy (03/2023)

Additional notes

Additional notes

The development of community energy can bring the following benefits to cities:

1. Economic:
- reduction/stabilization of energy costs
- increasing energy self-sufficiency and independence

2. Environmental:
- increasing the share of local renewable energy sources
- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

3. Social:
- support of social cohesion
- prevention of energy poverty, integration into the energy community even of those who would not individually have the means to install local renewable resources
- public involvement


Name: Statutární město Liberec
Company number or other registration data: 00262978
Address: nám. Dr. E. Beneše 1/1, 460 59 Liberec 1
Web: https://www.liberec.cz/

Another partakers

Název:Teplárna Liberec, a.s.
IČO nebo jiný registrační údaj:62241672
Adresa:Dr. Milady Horákové 641/34a, 460 01 Liberec IV-Perštýn


Technická univerzita v Liberci
Company number or other registration data:46747885
Address:Studentská 1402/2, 461 17 Liberec 1


LEEF Technologies, s.r.o.
Company number or other registration data:29000793
Address:Pernerova 51, Praha 8
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