Turnov: Participatory budgeting with school parliaments 
The engagement and participation of children and youth is important for Turnov. It is possible to approach it in many ways. Turnov decided to use a proven tool - participatory budgeting. The city allocated an amount from it exclusively for youth projects. The pilot year of this "participatory youth budgeting" was a hit.
Basic information
Name of the city/town/region: | Turnov |
Surname, firstname: | Jandová, Marcela |
Organization: | Město Turnov |
E-mail: | m.jandova@mu.turnov.cz |
Phone: | 739531124 |
Subject: | Komunikace mezi veřejnou správou, občany a dalšími subjekty, participace Kvalita a prostupnost vzdělávání; inovativní aktivity škol; poradenství pro rodiče |
Description and outputs |
Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results? | The city of Turnov actively supports the participation and engagement of children and youth. One of the concrete tools to involve this target group is the city's participatory budget, which has been operating in the city since 2017 under the name "We are creating Turnov". In 2022, the city decided for the first time from the total amount for a participatory budget of 700,000. CZK to set aside the entire 200,000 CZK directly for the implementation of the draft of the city and school parliaments of children and youth. The main goal was the involvement of youth and children in real decision-making in the city. Motivation for interest in events and the situation around their homes and schools. Politician for the Healthy City of Turnov gradually introduced the rules of the challenge to individual school parliaments. The call eventually yielded 4 proposals from both the city and school parliaments, 3 of which passed the feasibility test and were processed for a public vote. The students themselves participated in the creation of a presentation of their proposals in the form of a video clip where they commented on their proposal. The spot was published on the city's website, a public vote was held via the e-survey of Mobile Radio (Munipolis). Given the reasonable financial availability of all proposals, they can all be implemented. These are sitting in the city park, benches along the bike path and the installation of interactive water mills on the stream leading through the city park. Preparations are currently underway for the implementation of the projects, which should take place in 2023. |
Is the activity related to any of your strategical document? | Plan for improving the Healthy City of Turnov LA21 for the year 2022 - the goal of the year was the development of citizen engagement. |
Were the implemented activities documented? | Video presentation of individual proposals Methodology - We are creating Turnov 2022 (rules for submitting projects, including youth projects) |
Start of activity: | 01.05.2022 |
End of activity: | 01.12.2022 |
Attachment | Metodika - Tvoříme Turnov 2022 PDF (667 KB) |
Budget |
What were the financial costs of carrying out the activity? | [tis. Kč] 206 |
How was the activity funded? | From the budget of the city of Turnov. |
Detailed schedule: | 200 thousand CZK participative budget set aside for school and city parliament projects 6 thousand CZK realization of video spots |
Recommendations and inspiration |
What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? | Emphasis must be placed on a high-quality explanation of the possibilities of participatory budgeting for the given age category. The cooperation and interest of teachers and other workers who help to design proposals and motivate pupils to participate is essential. |
Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization? | Non-violent involvement of youth and motivation to take an interest in events in the city, real output from the activity of the youth parliament, involvement of the parliament in decision-making about the public space of the city. |
Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? | The motivation of members of the parliament to get involved is conditioned by the interest of the teachers and coordinators of the parliament, the limited possibilities of the budget and the reality of the proposals based on the possibilities of the city. |
Monitoring and evaluation |
Has the impact of the implemented activity / project been measured and evaluated in any way? | Even when submitting proposals, the politician for the Healthy City of Turnov communicates with the proposers, thus receiving feedback directly from the coordinators of the parliaments. |
Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project? | The announcement of a category for children and youth parliaments is also planned for 2023. The Turnov schools and the Youth Parliament of the city of Turnov were notified of the possibility of participating so that they would have the opportunity to work on any proposals ahead of time. |
Media, promotion |
How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes? | Informace o vyhlášení, průběhu, hlasování i výsledcích participativního rozpočtu byly sdíleny informačními kanály města (web, sociální sítě, Munipolis). Zveřejněny byly také prostřednictvím místních periodik: Turnovsko v akci, Turnovsko nebo regionálního TV vysílání RTM+ https://www.turnov.cz/cs/aktuality/zdrave-mesto-turnov-a-ma21/vysledky-hlasovani-tvorime-turnov-2022.html https://www.turnovskovakci.cz/zapisnik-vse/participativni-rozpocet-tvorime-turnov-2022/ |
Partakers |
Name: | Město Turnov |
Company number or other registration data: | 00276227 |
Address: | Antonína Dvořáka 335 |
Web: | http://www.turnov.cz |