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Liberecký kraj: Ideathon competition - student ideas for the environment

A thought marathon for 24 hours - this is the Liberec Ideathon, the aim of which is to involve young people, students of secondary schools and the Technical University of Liberec in solving specific problems of the region. Competition teams have a choice of 4 thematic challenges, experienced mentors and the prospect of an interesting financial reward for the winners.
Více info o kraji

Basic information

Name of the city/town/region: Liberec Region
Surname, firstname: Ing. Nikola Dokládalová
Organization: Regional municipal Authority - Liberec region
E-mail: nikola.dokladalova@kraj-lbc.cz
Phone: 485 226 572
Subject: Plánování v oblastech životního prostředí
Kvalita a prostupnost vzdělávání; inovativní aktivity škol; poradenství pro rodiče

Description and outputs

Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results?

The main goals of Ideathon are:

  • involvement of students in solving specific problems of the region
  • support for the creation of new innovative projects, help with putting them into practice if needed
  • solutions to reduce negative impacts on the environment in the region
  • gaining new experience and multidisciplinary ties
  • inspiration for further professional growth
  • entrepreneurship as a real alternative to employment.

In 2022, already 2nd year of Ideathon took place. Competing secondary school students from the Liberec region and the Technical University of Liberec were given a choice of four challenges, with the unifying theme - the reduction of negative impacts on the environment. All calls related to real problems and detailed data were available from the contracting authorities - local public institutions. For 2022, the following thematic challenges were set for students: 1: Transition to alternative energy sources in the buildings of the Liberec region 2: Reducing the traffic load in the locality of the Liberec-Jablonec agglomeration 3: Energy savings in the buildings of the Technical University in Liberec 4: Open data of the Liberec region

Students always have 24 hours to solve the challenge, with good coffee, refreshments and experienced mentors on hand to advise so that the result is as viable as possible. Participation in the event is free for students. 4.800 EUR is designated for the implementation of the winning projects. The output is a proposal for a usable, as yet unrealized project to improve life in the region. Implementation steps: coming up with a topic, collecting documents, invitation, processing applications, holding the competition (24 hours), presentation, evaluation, announcement.

Is the activity related to any of your strategical document? Akční plán koncepce Chytřejší kraj pro Liberecký kraj
Were the implemented activities documented? YES - presentation of competitors and description of competition outputs
Start of activity: 21.04.2022
End of activity: 22.04.2022


What were the financial costs of carrying out the activity? [tis. Kč] 4.800 EUR
How was the activity funded? From the budget of the Liberec Region. EUR 2.400 for prizes for secondary school students - funds allocated as part of the planned activities of the Smarter Region Concept for the Liberec Region in chapter 914 02 - Responsibilities, department of regional development and European projects, transferred by budget change - budget measure to chapter 917 02 – Transfers, department of regional development and European projects.
The Technical University also provided funds in the amount of EUR 2.400 for university students' prizes.

Recommendations and inspiration

What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? Ideathon is an important part of the effort to involve young people in solving the problems of the region. The challenges that the contestants had to solve were defined in such a way that they corresponded to reality and the student solutions had the greatest possible chance of being applied. Participation in the Ideathon inspires participants to further professional growth. And for them to see business as a real alternative to employment.

Risk, obstacles and positive moments in the implementation process

Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization? Inspiration for professional growth, involvement of young people in solving the problems of the region
Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? Insufficient archiving of competition outputs (next time: video from the presentation of competition ideas, project sheet for competition ideas, description of the team of participants)
During the implementation of the activities / project, did you encounter an event that fundamentally affected the implementation? NO

Monitoring and evaluation

Has the impact of the implemented activity / project been measured and evaluated in any way? The discussion with the participants of the competition resulted in very positive responses, and the vast majority of people contacted and cooperating would be interested in participating in similar activities next time.
Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project? Yes, by involving other subjects - secondary schools and other faculties.

Media, promotion

How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes? Communication with the media took place mainly through social networks, articles on the 1012+ portal and the website of the Liberec Region and CzechInvest, through contacts directly at secondary schools in the Liberec Region, at the Technical University of Liberec and on radio shows.


Name: CzechInvest - regionální kancelář Liberec
Company number or other registration data: 71377999
Address: Praha 2, Nové Město, Štěpánská 567/15
Web: https://www.czechinvest.org/cz

Another partakers

Název:Liberecký kraj
IČO nebo jiný registrační údaj:70891508
Adresa:Liberec IV-Perštýn, U Jezu 642/2a


ARR - Agentura regionálního rozvoje, spol. s r.o.
Company number or other registration data:48267210
Address:Liberec IV-Perštýn, U Jezu 525/4


Technická univerzita v Liberci
Company number or other registration data:46747885
Address:Studentská 1402/2, 461 17 Liberec 1
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