Kopřivnice: Active senior - year-round activation program 
Since 2012, the city of Kopřivnice has been successfully developing the activation program for the elderly "Active seniors or Meetings during sports, entertainment and education". It was possible to bring together several informal groups of the elderly, to coordinate a program that takes into account the diverse interests, abilities and possibilities of the elderly. Cycle tours, sports days, tourist trips, as well as fun, social and competitive activities for less mobile people are organized. The program received a lot of interest and also succeeds in obtaining financial resources.
Basic information
Name of the city/town/region: | Kopřivnice |
Surname, firstname: | Pavla Žačková |
Organization: | City of Kopřivnice |
E-mail: | pavla.zackova@koprivnice.cz |
Phone: | 556,879,460 |
Subject: | Vzdělávání a osvěta ke zdraví (programy, akce a kampaně) Sport, pohybové aktivity a místní rekreace Kultura, společenský život, volnočasové aktivity, dobrovolnictví |
Description and outputs |
Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results? | Until 2012, there were 5 informal groups of the elderly in Kopřivnice, each with its own history, traditional events and members, but it was complicated for active "young elderly newcomers" to integrate into the collective, at the same time the activities of the clubs had a rather "passive" meeting character and there was a lack of community - activation dimension. Since 2012, the city of Kopřivnice, through the Department of Social Affairs and Health, has been preparing an activation program for the elderly - "Active seniors or Meetings during sports, entertainment and education". When compiling the program, it takes into account the diverse interests, abilities and possibilities of seniors. Sports activities are very popular - cycling tours, sports days for seniors, sightseeing tours, mini golf, etc. We also do not forget about fun, social and competitive activities for less mobile people (spring and autumn senior afternoons, harmonica singing, fun competition afternoons ...). |
Is the activity related to any of your strategical document? | První komplexní program pro seniory byl v roce 2012 připraven pod záštitou mezinárodního Projektu Zdravé město Kopřivnice. Tehdy byl pojmenován „Kopřivnický rok aktivního stárnutí a mezigenerační spolupráce“ a město na jeho realizaci získalo podporu z Dotačního programu na podporu místní Agendy 21 v Moravskoslezském kraji. Cíle projektu: 1. posílit mezigenerační solidaritu obyvatel města 2. aktivizovat obyvatele v seniorském věku 3. podpořit realizaci MA21 na území Kopřivnice 4. poskytnout dobrou praxi v oblasti proseniorských aktivit ostatním municipalitám V souladu s Plánem zlepšování projektu Zdravé město a MA21 byla jako součást projektu vypracována analýza zdravotního stavu obyvatelstva města včetně místních částí. V této aktivitě se samozřejmě taktéž pokračuje v obvyklé periodicitě, dle metodiky NSZM ČR s ohledem na platnost a vyhodnocování Zdravotního plánu, jehož tvorba na analýzu navazuje. |
Were the implemented activities documented? | YES, as an attachment we are attaching samples of the Year-round overview of activities = senior competition cards from the initial years 2012, 2013 and the most successful years in terms of the number of participating seniors - 2018 and 2019. |
Start of activity: | 01.01.2012 |
Attachment | |
How was the activity funded? | Every year, we try to get a subsidy for our activities from external funds, which we have succeeded in in the vast majority of years. Donor: Moravian-Silesian Region - Subsidy program to support MA21 in the Moravian-Silesian Region, Program to support healthy aging in MSK, etc. Contribution from the city budget, Department of Social Affairs and Health. Partners enter the activities "non-financially" - rent forgiveness, preparation of refreshments, provision of the program, etc. |
Detailed schedule: | The amount varies every year, according to the planned number and nature of events. In 2012, it was 139.5 thousand crowns (including the preparation of the health status analysis). In the successful year 2019, costs amounted to 99 thousand crowns. |
Recommendations and inspiration |
What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? | - It is important to reach and "attract" seniors correctly . It has worked for us to send invitations to events, among other things, by e-mail. We have about 150 email contacts. Also, when the poster says "free entry" or "free entry and small refreshments" - coffee, tea, or a wafer, it will attract seniors. - Offer a variety of activities (sports, entertainment, discussions, creativity,...), but don't overwhelm. - Keeping up with the times – a few years ago there was interest in PC work courses, now smartphones are leading the way. |
Risk, obstacles and positive moments in the implementation process |
Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization? | - The population is getting older, so the number of people interested in activities is increasing. We realize that this is a ""positive"" only in a certain sense. The fact that the population is aging is rather a challenge for the future - not only for cities. - We perceive the program as one of the city's options for taking care of the aging population so that it remains active for a long time, thus without entitlement to health care funds. - "Permanent participants" bring their acquaintances and friends. - Long-term partners (local library, scouts, members of the children's council, members of the Vlčovjan association, ... ) who have participated in the activities over the years. - Establishment of the position of Social worker, self-government at the Department of Social Affairs and Health, thanks to which the originally one-year project became an offer that is repeated and developed every year. |
Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? | Thanks to this program, the city has largely taken the initiative in activities for the elderly. On the one hand, it is beneficial for the city (finding opinions, operative feedback of the target group on necessary topics, etc.), but on the other hand, activities initiated by seniors themselves or non-profit organizations have decreased. |
During the implementation of the activities / project, did you encounter an event that fundamentally affected the implementation? | In 2018, 2019 and 2020, obtaining a subsidy from the MSK, Program to support healthy aging, expanding the range of activities with more financially demanding ones. E.g. the QI GONG exercise, which took place once a week, and due to the great interest of the participants, the seniors had to be divided into two groups - on even and odd weeks. In 2018 and 2019, the training was paid for by the city (and subsidies). At the moment, the city provides the premises and the training continues without additional financial support to this day (seniors pay the trainer). Establishment of a senior point + worker position - improving the quality of information transfer and distribution of materials among seniors. Significant paralysis of activities and stagnation of interest of seniors in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic. |
Monitoring and evaluation |
Has the impact of the implemented activity / project been measured and evaluated in any way? | An evaluation of the past program takes place every year during the preparation of the Report on the Activities of the Department of Social Affairs and Health Care for the relevant year. The continuation of the program is always approved in the Improvement Plan of the Healthy City and MA21 Project, which is also part of the schedule of planned events for the coming year. |
Attachment: | |
Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project? | We maintain proven activities and try to flexibly respond to the current wishes and needs of seniors, enrich the program and vary it with current topics. During the period of the program's existence, we perceive it as a living organism that has its own repeating principles, but the content and involved partners change, just as their activity, thematic focus or current direction changes or develops. |
Media, promotion |
How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes? | We promote all events through local media – in Kopřivnické noviny and Kabelová televíky Kopřivnice, but also through social networks https://www.facebook.com /activesenior. Seniors can also find posters on display areas in the city and in local areas, and we send them out via e-mail. For senior citizens, we have created a section on the city's website where they have all the information – planned events, links to articles and reports from events that have already taken place, a photo gallery from events and other messages. http://www.koprivnice.cz/aktivnisenior. |
Partakers |
Name: | Město Kopřivnice |
Company number or other registration data: | 00298077 |
Address: | Štefánikova 1163, 742 21, Kopřivnice |
Web: | http://www.koprivnice.cz |
Another partakers |
Název: | Městská knihovna Kopřivnice, p.o. |
IČO nebo jiný registrační údaj: | 66741122 |
Adresa: | Obránců míru 368/1a, 742 21, Kopřivnice |
Web: | https://www.kdk.cz/knihovna |
Name: | Junák – český skaut, středisko Kopřivnice, z. s. |
Company number or other registration data: | 60336439 |
Address: | Komenského 1520, 742 21, Kopřivnice |
Web: | https://vanaivan.cz/ |
Name: | Dětské zastupitelstvo Kopřivnice |
Company number or other registration data: | 73929182 |
Address: | Kpt. Jaroše 1077, 742 21, Kopřivnice |
Web: | https://www.facebook.com/dzkoprivnice/ |
Name: | Vlčovjané, z.s. |
Company number or other registration data: | 08574481 |
Address: | Vlčovice 76, 742 21, Kopřivnice |
Web: | https://www.vlcovjane.cz/ |
Name: | Centrum pro zdravotně postižené, MSK, o.p.s. |
Company number or other registration data: | 265 93 548 |
Address: | ul. Bieblova 2922/3, 702 00 Ostrava |
Web: | http://www.czp-msk.cz/ |