Praha 12: 36x revitalising public spaces in our city. 
Meeting residents and involving them in decision-making is an important factor in the sustainable development of any locality. Participation at the level of smaller localities (interior blocks, smaller public spaces) has proven itself, especially in larger cities or urban districts of Prague, thanks to which it is possible to best map the needs of the residents who live, work or spend their free time there. Prague 12 embarked on the path of these "neighborhood meetings" and plans to continue in the future.
Basic information
Name of the city/town/region: | Praha 12 |
Surname, firstname: | Ing. Vildmanová Denisa |
Organization: | MČ Praha 12 |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | 244 028 213 / 773 738 837 |
Subject: | Komunikace mezi veřejnou správou, občany a dalšími subjekty, participace |
Description and outputs |
Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results? | Neighborhood meetings are a series of participatory events focused on various localities within the Prague 12 city district. The city district plans to implement a total of 36 of them in 2023 with the aim of meeting the residents of the city district, finding out their wishes and suggestions for improving the city district. We already talked with citizens about concrete possibilities for improving the neighborhood and revitalization projects at 17 joint neighborhood meetings that took place during March, April, May and June (the rest will continue in autumn 2023). At the meetings, we presented proposals for the appearance of individual areas, and the citizens present themselves agreed on the individual elements and gave us their suggestions not only for individual locations, but also had the opportunity to comment on the entire territory of the Prague 12 district. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and contributed their work to improve our Twelve. We honestly write down all other stimuli and gradually tackle them. To implement the actions: Before the event itself, preparation should not be underestimated. In our case, we will prepare 3 flipcharts with sheets of paper. The 1st sheet is intended for voting on variants (keep the current status X change with voting for individual proposed variants – pre-processed visualizations are an advantage). The 2nd sheet is used to record the stimuli (explanations) of the points marked on the sensory map of the location. The 3rd sheet is used for writing suggestions for the entire territory of Prague 12. We also have promotional items available on site, mainly for children to confiscate (crayons with coloring books, chalks, frisbees, etc.). So in total we have 3 blank sheets for writing down initiatives and votes and a map with a detailed map of the location where we are. The main output of the entire event is always a summary of suggestions for improvement in a given location, voting sheets with citizens' comments and sheets with suggestions not only for the given location (emotional map), but also for the whole of Prague 12. The series of these meetings is certainly very beneficial and we recommend it to everyone who has the opportunity to hold these (or similar) meetings (they don't have to be many, just a few according to possibilities and needs). During the meetings, the wishes and requests of the citizens came to the surface, as well as shortcomings and ""problems"" that need to be removed and remedied. The meetings are also very inspiring for the further creation of strategic documents. The presence of municipal councilors and the mayor is also a great success, as they can directly discuss problems with local citizens and, in many cases, solutions to the problem, thereby preventing or limiting the spread of falsehoods and subjective opinions of the individuals concerned. |
Is the activity related to any of your strategical document? | Strategický plán rozvoje městské části Praha 12 na roky 2020-2026 Akční plán a zásobník projektů - cíl: A3.1.1. Pořádání participativních setkání s občany včetně následného vyhodnocování (str. 11). |
Were the implemented activities documented? | YES - from each participation, a set of suggestions from the public will be created, with which we continue to work - evaluation, determination of feasibility and realizability, then implementation, possibly inclusion in the stack of projects for the next years (elimination in case of non-realization). As in the case of the web. link to the documentation on the municipal website, publicly accessible to all: |
Start of activity: | 01.03.2023 |
Budget |
What were the financial costs of carrying out the activity? | [tis. Kč] nespecifikováno |
How was the activity funded? | 6 of the meetings that have already taken place and the implementation of the proposals are financed with the help of Norwegian funds. Other meetings and implementation of topics are financed by the resources (budget) of the city district. |
Recommendations and inspiration |
What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? | The basis is to have everything ready, to think about the goal of the meeting. It is possible that someone will come to the meeting to vent their anger - so you need to expect it and be prepared for it. If you do not feel up to such a confrontation, it is certainly better to call in the help of a professional facilitator who can deal with a larger number of people, incl. those who do not cooperate. It is certainly good not to be discouraged by this unpleasant experience, but to persevere and, despite the possible initial failure, organize another meeting in other places, perhaps with a different topic to be addressed. It is also very important that you return to the participating localities and present the results to the residents - for example revitalization study, playground design with the possibility of voting on variants, etc. |
Risk, obstacles and positive moments in the implementation process |
Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization? | Meeting with residents/neighbors, building a platform for the sustainable development of the city, participation in the development of the city , implementation of the principle of democracy, co-decision of citizens about the land where they live, feedback for the office - functionality and effectiveness, interception of crisis and risk locations and places on the city. |
Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? | A small representative sample of the demographic representation of the population, the municipal budget is limited to the implementation of all requirements, the necessity of verification and priority setting by the Municipal Council. |
During the implementation of the activities / project, did you encounter an event that fundamentally affected the implementation? | Yes, during one of the first meetings, an active citizen was very involved, who basically introduced the form of the meeting, which was not yet completely refined at the beginning. Since we liked the look that this person introduced, we adopted it with slight modifications for the next meetings. |
Monitoring and evaluation |
Has the impact of the implemented activity / project been measured and evaluated in any way? | During the event, a questionnaire survey is conducted on the quality and effectiveness of the event. On subsequent return to the participating locality, we return with the results of the previous participation. The best feedback is to see the implemented project in operation (children on the playground, the elderly on a bench by the new flower bed, surfaces adapted to adapt to the climate...). |
Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project? | Yes, about 25 meetings are already planned for 2024, with the fact that we plan to maintain a similar number in the following years. |
Media, promotion |
How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes? | Each participation/meeting is published approximately 14 - 10 days in advance on the Prague 12 website and on Facebook. If it is an event planned further in advance, an invitation will also be published in the current Prague 12 Newspaper. Subsequently, approx. 10 - 7 days before the event, the location of the participation is personally visited, where invitations/posters will be distributed to RD/BD/SVJ mailboxes. At the same time, we will send the same invitations/posters by e-mail to the network of contacts in the given location. We also use the same means for promotion in schools/kindergartens and other centers of higher population density in the given locality. Example of the poster: Revitalization of the sports area Smolíček
Partakers |
Name: | Úřad městské části Praha 12 |
Company number or other registration data: | 00231151 |
Address: | Generála Šišky 2375/6 Praha 4 - Modřany |
Web: | |